Finding a taxi in some towns of Murcia or Alicante is difficult enough without the added stress of trying to catch a wheelchair-accessible taxi. Waiting for hours sometimes only to receive a vehicle that doesn’t adequately accommodate your crutches or wheelchair is never a pleasant experience. At TWH Quality Services, we understand what it’s like to need this service for transportation and living in the inland areas of the province of Murcia or in a town of Alicante; it can be exhausting, especially when you’re late to your medical appointments, simply because the Taxi comes from another town or you have to adapt to them. With our wheelchair-accessible Taxi services in Murcia, you won’t have to worry about being late, being treated disrespectfully and carelessly, we will always try with our team of professionals to adapt to your needs.
Your wheelchair-accessible taxi when you need it
When you need a special wheelchair transport that is quick and safe in any town or city in the region of Murcia, call TWH Quality Services for our wheelchair-accessible taxi service at 968 909 808
At TWH, we provide transportation for wheelchair users, disabled transportation or transport for the elderly and people with reduced mobility in Murcia and its province. Even if you only need a little more help than what the regular taxis in Murcia offer, TWH has trained drivers of our taxis and chauffeur-driven vehicles to help you and your company get to where you need to go.
Wheelchair Taxi Service in the province of Murcia and Alicante
A team at your service
Would you like to know the price or availability of our transportation services?
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